1- Dear students, Ive created "1Culture" design in my own style, using combination of photoshop and illustrator... Click the image to preview in a bigger view...
2- I hope u guys can do better than me since I have give u a lot of time to submit it.... Good Luck
2- I hope u guys can do better than me since I have give u a lot of time to submit it.... Good Luck
cun tu sir :)
sangat cantek ;)
mellow : owhh, ini biasa2 saja... btw thenkss
oshin : thenks oshin.. My students kena buat lg chantek dari ni... ni biase2 jerrr... keje last minute
WOW..saye suke yang ini ^^
menarekk :)
Pheno|aRra : thenks... x sabar nk tgk design anda semua... hehehehe
epullani : wohhh... thenksss bro...
nice la bro. si merah dah mula mengganas ke? hehe. jangan buat design cantik-cantik. nanti ada org jeles. ekekeke. :P
p/s : lawan toke besar :P
merah~~~ stylee~~~ :D
ed: mana boleh lawan toke BESAR... dia paling terhebat... setakat design macam ni, maknanya layak berada dalam tong sampah jer laaa... hehehe
Cikelit: wohohoho... thenks bob cikelit
lawa sgt2...
wohohoho... terimas
sir, this is totally awesome ;)
Omaw : owhh omaw... ini biasa2 saja... sy bukan designer... background sy adalah programmer dan animator... so, ini adalah satu design yg buruk bg saya... hehehe
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