1- Ive created design as shown as above, and color it by using Photoshop software...
2- Art is a GAY, wherever you are.. Do you believe it? Can you receive it?
3- One eye = Dajal, freemason AND illuminati?? Whats wrong with u guys? Too much watching "The Arrival" documentary huh?? Why you guys are so GAY? Its just an Art... Nothing related to those stupid conspiracy... Huhuhu
4- February is coming soon... Yieppy
wahhh..cayalah bro!!!
One eye = Dajal, freemason AND illuminati?? Whats wrong with u guys? Too much watching "The Arrival" documentary huh?? Why you guys are so GAY? Its just an Art... Nothing related to those stupid conspiracy... Huhuhu
xde ckp freemanson pon..xckp pon kena gay gak ke?hehe
taakut plak dajal2 nie..huhuhu ;)
afams : wohoho... mane leh lawan lukisan ko...
Omarasma : Kalau tak cakap, bagus, alhamdulillah... anda tidak tergolong dalam golongan GAY... hehehehe
pinyunyipa : makan budokkk... wakakaka
cntik lukisan...
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